Photo Slideshow Widget

To create a slideshow widget

1. Click on Layout button on the top right side of the page.

2. Click on Create New Widget button and select Slideshow

3. Fill out Widget Description, Widget Title (optional) and Caption (optional)

4. Select Slideshow Layout - one for Widescreen and three for Standard.  Standard layout can be changed at a later date. However, changing from Standard to Widescreen, or vice verse is impossible after the form is saved. The main difference of Standard and Widescreen is the aspect ratio of slides. 

5. Set the slide duration and transition speed time. If random order is checked, the slides will not display in the order listed in the widget form, the order of showing slides will be random.

6. Upload at least one slide and Click Save.  


Note: After slide is uploaded,  it can be cropped to your desired size and portion.

Note: Slide resolution can be up to 1520 x 500 in one page theme while 1220 x 401 in non one page theme.  No matter what size slide is, the aspect ratio will maintain the same - 3.04.