Software App

The Software app will enable you to post and manage information about software development projects that you have been involved with.

Enabling the Software App

Before adding any Software, you must first make sure the app is enabled.

1. Click to expand Settings
2. Click on Enable/disable

3. Search for SOFTWARE and check Enable.

6. SAVE CONFIGURATION at the bottom of the page.
Return to Home Page

To navigate your software better, follow these steps to add a menu item pointing to software listing in primary menu:

Software Menu Link

The "Software" link should now appear in the primary menu. If the software link does not appear in your menu, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the control panel and select Menus
  2. Once in the Menu area, Select Add New Link in the Primary Menu
  3. You'll be prompted to choose an Item Type. Please select URL
  4. Click Continue
  5. Now give the Menu Item a title like Software and enter the word "software" (lower case) in the URL field
  6. Click Finish at the bottom of the page

Creating Software Posts

To add a software post from your site, click the "Software" link in your primary menu. Next click on the link that says  and begin entering information about your software project. Tip: You also have the ability associate images or files with any software post.

Importing Software

To import a software:

  1. Enable Software app.
  2. In the control panel select Site Content  
  3. Select Import and click on Software Project


  1. Upload a file in the CSV format only.
    You may use the Download a template file to use as a guide.
    NOTE: Make sure to save your CSV file using the UTF-8 file format to ensure that your contents are imported without issue.
    Importing more than 100 Software posts at one time is not permitted. If your CSV file is over 100 rows, you will receive an error


5. Submit.
6. Go to Content in the admin toolbar and the first entry will be your newly imported Software project.

Viewing Software Posts

All of your software posts can be viewed by clicking on "Software" in the primary menu of your site. You can also view and manage software posts by navigating to the Control Panel and clicking on the "Content" button. On the right column, under "Type" you will see "Software Project" that once applied will display a list of your software posts.