Widget Examples

This page provides examples of the widgets you can use to build your web pages. 

To build a visually-appealing page, it helps to map out the content you'd like to include and its placement. Once you've done that, you'll have a better idea which widgets to include.

For example, do you want to align an image on the left with text on the right? Consider creating two Custom Text/HTML widgets - one for the image and one for the text. Then create a Column Widget and add the two widgets to the columns.

Do you have a lot of text that would make the page look too cluttered? You may want to create Custom Text/HTML widgets for each topic, then add them to an Accordion widget where sections can be expanded or closed.

The general order for adding widgets to a page is to:

  1. Create the page if it's new, or edit an existing page.
  2. Click Layout.
  3. Click the green Create new widget button.
  4. Select the widget type.
  5. Add a description. (A widget title is optional. If you add a title, it will appear on the page.)
  6. Fill in the fields. Save.
  7. Either add the widgets to the Column or Accordion widget if creating those, then drag the Column or Accordion widget onto the page, or drag the widget directly onto the page.
  8. Save.

In some cases, you may want to select one of these options before creating your new widget:

The default is "This page" but you can choose to apply the widget to "All pages" (such as your site logo) or "Current Section," which you'd select when adding the Sharing buttons to your news and blog pages. Choosing Current Section allows visitors to share specific articles, rather than the entire page of news or blog posts.

Accordion Widget

The Accordion Widget allows you to build a page that contains a lot of information without making the page too text-heavy. Start by creating a Custom Text/HTML widget for each topic, then add each widget to the Accordion Widget. For instructions view this document.

Creating Content

Creating Content

Publish and manage pages, people, publications, images, media, and more.

Getting Started Icon

Getting Started

Types of sites, setting up your account, introduction to the interface

Best Practices

Best Practices

Tips for how to optimize your content for the web.

Button Collection Widget

The Button Collection Widget allows you to add visual interest to a page by creating buttons that hyperlink to a webpage of your choice. There are many button styles to choose from. For instructions on how to use the Button Collection widget, click the button below.

Callout Banner Widget

The Callout Banner can be added to any page and can display either full width or content width. You can choose to include a link button, search box, or neither. View this document for instructions on how to add a Callout Banner Widget.

NCI Sample

Callout Banner Widget - Full Width

This section has a 300 character limit. Describe your lab/department, etc. as briefly as possible using terms someone may use to find you in a Google search.

Callout Banner Widget - Content Width

NCI Sample

Callout Banner Widget - Content Width

This section has a 300 character limit. Describe your lab/department, etc. as briefly as possible using terms someone may use to find you in a Google search.

Column Widget

Columns allow you to display information on a page in a uniform way. Refer to this document for instructions on how to use the Column Widget.

2-Column Example

Tip for Modifying Columns

If you are working with an OpenScholar template that has 3 columns and you only need 2, you can change it. Edit the column widget, click Add Section, then drag the 2 widgets from the 3-column section to the new 2-column section. Remove the 3-column section you no longer need. You can change the column width ratios by clicking Configure Section.

Create Widgets First

To build a column widget, remember that you first need to create the widgets that will be added to each column.

Custom Text/HTML Widget

molecules For instructions on how to create a Custom Text/HTML Widget, view this document.

A molecule is a group of two or more atoms that are held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds; depending on context, the term may or may not include ions that satisfy this criterion. Wikipedia

Embed Media Widget

The Embed Media Widget displays embedded rich media such as files, images, videos, links and more. You can select media from your computer, select media saved in your library, embed HTML code, or select media from an external source. For more information about the Embed Media Widget, view this document.

Embed Media Widget Example - Image


Embed Media Widget Example - Video

Media Select

Faceted Taxonomy Widget

With this widget, visitors can filter on more than one term - in this example by "Site Section" and "Type of Content." 
Refer to the Faceted Taxonomy Document for more information.

Featured Posts Widget

This widget allows you to build a page that displays your content in the order you choose. For example, if you'd like to build a custom team page that displays your lab members in a specific order rather than alphabetical, you could use the Featured Posts Widget. This document will walk you through the steps.

Follow Me Widget

Use this widget to add your social media links. For more information, view the Follow Me Widget document.
(If you'd like to add social media links that enable your visitors to share your content, add a Sharing Buttons Widget.)

Google Translate Widget

Adding this widget allows visitors to view your site in another language. 


List of Files Widget

This widget displays an automatically generated list of files from your site. View the List of Files document for more information.

This example is displaying images tagged with a taxonomy term

List of Posts Widget

A list of Posts Widget displays an automatically generated list of posts from your site. For example, you may want to create a page showing specific team members, one that displays current members and another displaying former members. To move someone from the page with current members to the page with former members, all you'd have to do is edit their profile and change the taxonomy term they're tagged with from "Current" to "Former." View this document to learn how to create a Taxonomy. View this document to learn how to create a List of Posts Widget. Refer to our Tutorials for a video demonstration.

List of Posts Widget Example that displays the most recent 3 pages on the site

Media Gallery Widget

The Media Gallery widget allows you to display photos in 2 formats, Carousel and Grid. The example below is the Carousel format. For more information about the Media Gallery Widget, view this document.

Publication Authors, Publication Types, Publication Years Widgets

These three widgets will allow your site visitors to find publications based on author, type (i.e., journal article, newspaper article, etc.), and by year. These screenshots will give you an idea what these widgets look like.

Publication Types

Publication Authors

RSS Feed Widget

Visitors can use this link to follow recent updates to your website. Refer to this RSS Feed document for more information.

Search Widget

This widget allows your site visitors to find content on your site through a keyword search. 

Sharing Buttons Widget

This widget makes it easy for your site visitors can share your content. View this document to learn how to add a Sharing Buttons Widget to your site. For adding sharing buttons to individual blog and news posts, be sure to select "Current Section" before adding the widget to the main Blog and News pages. You'll find this under "Place to" above the green Create new widget button.
(If you'd like to add links to your social media sites, add a Follow Me Widget.)

Slider Widget

The Slider Widget displays widgets in a slide show like format. This is different from the Slideshow Widget, which displays images in a slideshow format. For instructions on how to add a Slider Widget, view this document. The example below illustrates how a research area transitions to the next research area automatically. The visitor can also swipe to advance to the next area.

Middle East

I have been excavating in the middle east since 1973, working on projects from Jerusalem to Iraq.  I am especially interested in valuable, ancient artifacts, and in exploring the intersection of politics and cultural change in antiquity.  Currently I am working on the publication of the Persian period levels of an administrative compound at Tel Kedesh in northern Israel, whose excavations I have co-directed since 1997.


Dig site I have conducted research in Greece and neighboring regions in the eastern Mediterranean (e.g., Albania and Turkey) on subjects ranging from the early Paleolithic occupation of the region to the origins of agriculture, and the emergence of warfare in the Neolithic.  My focus is on early hominin dispersals in the Mediterranean basin and around the world.  I am also conducting research on prehistoric seafaring.


I am a specialist in Mesoamerican archaeology, focusing particularly on the prehispanic civilizations of central Mexico. Currently ongoing projects at the ancient city of Teotihuacan include the Proyecto Arqueológico Tlajinga, Teotihuacan (PATT), and the Proyecto Plaza de las Columnas. The first seeks to understand urbanization, neighborhood organization, and the daily life of commoners through excavations and geophysical prospection within a southern district of the city. The second is focused on a palace’ compounds and is aimed at understanding the city’s political economy.

Slideshow Widget

This widget is great option for displaying images that will move based on the timing you choose (i.e., every 5 seconds) or clicked through by the site visitor. For instructions on how to create a slideshow, go to the Slideshow Widget document.

Dig site
Birthday party

Tabs Layout Widget

The Tabs Widget displays multiple widgets in clickable tabs. View this document to learn more about the Tabs Widget.

Design & Layout Icon

Design & Layout

Control the visual appearance of your site, layout of pages, and content display.

Creating Content

Creating Content

Publish and manage pages, people, publications, images, media, and more.

Managing Members

Managing Members

Types of members. roles & permissions

Taxonomy Widget

Taxonomy widgets are designed to display a list of taxonomy terms that you have added to one of your site’s vocabularies. For more information about the Taxonomy Widget, visit this page.

Here is a screenshot of a Taxonomy Widget: