Widget Slider

The Widget Slider can display other widgets in a slide show like format.

Adding a New Widget Slider

Click Layout on the page in which new widget is placed


Click "Add new widget" button


Select Slider from the list

Add Widget Title and Description

Widget Description is the administrative title (seen by site administrators only)
Widget Title is what displays on the site

Widget Slider Display Options

  • Duration
  • Transition Speed
  • Display scrollbar
  • Display navigation arrows
  • Slider Height
    • Note: If any widget in the collection is taller than the height of the widget slider (Slider Height), you must select the Display scrollbar setting to enable scrolling within the Widget Slider OR the height of the Widget Slider can be changed to reflect the height of the widgets in the collection. The default height of the Widget Slider is 400px.

Click Save button. - the popup will close and the widget is placed on the top of widget list in the left.


Adding the Widget Slider on a Page

Drag the new Slider to target destination in the layout and click Save

