The Faceted Taxonomy widget allows filtering a set of content by multiple criteria. For example, visitors will be able to view news tagged with "sports", and certain geographical locations controlling how they narrow down the results (See an example at the end of this page).
Adding a Faceted Taxonomy widget
1. Navigate to the page where you want to create Faceted Taxonomy Widget and click on Layout button at the top.
2. Select Create New Widget on the left side of page layout and click 'Faceted Taxonomy' from the list, as shown below:
3. Fill in the appropriate fields as shown below. Available fields are:
- Widget Description (mandatory)
- Widget Title
- Content Type (meaning the App type(s) of content you want to display)
- Select Vocabularies (select 2+ vocabularies that you have previously created - these will be the options your site visitor with be able to filter within)
- Vocabulary Order (options: Alphabetical, Vocab Weight)
- Term Order (options: Relevance, Alphabetical, Term Weight)
- Show number of posts
- Display Styles (options: Classic/List, Menu, Collapsible Accordion)
4. Click Save.
5. Drag the widget to the layout
6. Save the layout
Note that in the example below, the site visitor is able to use the Faceted Taxonomy widget to select terms from within different vocabularies to be able to customize their news results.