Core Facility Site Structure

The Core Facility site structure puts your facility's services and resources at the forefront of the website. The structure and labels have been designed to make it easy for visitors to find information and to provide you with a framework to easily organize your website's content. Adopting this structure will also help ensure a cohesive, unified experience across your organization's core facility sites. Choosing the Core Facility site preset will pre-populate your website with these menu links and pages: About, Services, Training, People, Publications, Community, Contact

Core facility navigation: About, Services, Training, People, Publications, Community, Contact

How to set up a Core Facility site

NOTE: Only the Project/Lab/Small Group site type offers the Core Facility preset option.

Screenshot showing Project site type as selected

1. Select Core Facility from the options given in Step 2 of the site creation process.

Screenshot showing Core Facility preset as selected

2. Click Next to select a theme.

3. Click Finish and Take me to my site to redirect to your new site.

Using the Core Facility site structure

Below are tips and examples of the kinds of content to consider including in each section.

1. About

Purpose: To provide general background about the facility.
Examples: Information about research strengths, mission, history, job openings.

2. Services

Purpose: To explain services offered and related policies.
Examples:  Information about available services, specialized equipment, pricing, policies, and procedures.

3. Training

Purpose: To highlight training or educational opportunities.
Examples: Training sessions, workshops, classes, online tutorials.

4. People

Purpose: To highlight the expertise of researchers, faculty, and staff associated with your facility, and to provide their contact information.
Examples: Person profiles, alphabetical or grouped by category.

5. Publications

Purpose: To highlight the latest research taking place in your facility.
Examples: Highlights of faculty research, cross-university collaborations, and research initiatives or partnerships.

6. Community

Purpose: To showcase what’s happening now in your facility and ways to get involved.
Examples: News articles, blog posts, upcoming events, special programs or initiatives, community outreach, green initiatives.

7. Contact

Purpose: To provide instructions about how to contact your facility or request services.
Examples: Address, phone number, email, hours of operation, links to reservation forms.