Adding Members

To add a member to your site:

1. Locate the Control Panel on the left hand side on your site
2. Select the Members & Roles link


This area will display a list all of your site's members.


Adding an Existing OpenScholar User to your site

People already using/administering an OpenScholar site(s) have OpenScholar "accounts" and therefore can be added to your site very simply.

To add a member to your site, click the add_a_member  button.

In the text field, begin to add one of the following:

1) name
2) email address or
3) username

The auto-generated list of users will appear as you type.

Select the person's name and then click the "Add Member" button. The member will be added to the site as a Basic Member by default, this can be changed. Site administrators have the ability to change roles for any member. Learn more about Member Roles.


Email Notifications After Adding A Member

When adding a new member to the site, the member will receive the following message via email. Note: The bracketed information will be related to your site information:

"SUBJECT: You have been added as a member to the [website URL] website

Hi [first name],

[site owner] has added you as a member to the website [website URL] with the role of [user role]. You can log in at [log in URL] with the username [username].

Don't forget to bookmark the site and save this email for future reference.

Here are some handy links for you:

   * OpenScholar documentation: 

Create a New User Account

Before you can add a new member to your site (who has not been a member of any other OpenScholar site before) you will need to first create an OpenScholar account for them.

1. In the Members & Roles area, click the + Add a member button  add_a_member
2. Select a user role.
3. Click the Create A New Member link

4. Fill in the form with the user's information.


5. Click on Save

Email Notifications After Creating An OpenScholar Account

When creating an OpenScholar account, the new member will receive the following message via email. Note: The bracketed information will be related to your site information:

"SUBJECT: An OpenScholar account has been created for you at [sitename]

Dear [first name last name],

[account creator, first name last name], site owner of [sitename], has created a user account for you so that you may access this website. Log in by clicking on the following link or by pasting it into your browser:


For your security, this link can only be used once. 

Your username is: [username] 

After setting your password with the included link, you will be able to log in at [url of Openscholar install]/user  in the future.

-The OpenScholar Team